[Geant4] Geant4 release 9.1 available

Frederick Jones fwj at triumf.ca
Mon Jan 21 13:02:16 PST 2008

Geant4 release 9.1, with compiled libraries for RedHat 9 and
Scientific Linux 4, is now available on TRIUMF Linux systems
as follows:

	/triumfcs/linux/geant4/RH9/9.1/     (compiled with gcc 3.2.2)
	/triumfcs/linux/geant4/SL4/9.1/     (compiled with gcc 3.4.6)

To build your Geant4 application using these libraries, copy the
file G4SETUP to your working directory, source it, and run "make".

The libraries are compiled with OPENGL visualisation enabled.

Release notes for Geant4 9.1:


Additional technical notes for this release are attached.

Source-code browser:



-------------- next part --------------
TAGS: geant4-09-01 and geant4-09-01-ref-00
Gabriele COSMO <Gabriele.Cosmo at cern.ch>
Fri, 14 Dec 2007 16:30:31 +0100
<geant4 at cern.ch>


 Dear Colleagues,

              geant4-09-01 and geant4-09-01-ref-00

 These are the tags corresponding to the new release 9.1 of Geant4.

 geant4-09-01 is the tag for the public release, without test(s)
 geant4-09-01-ref-00 is the last development tag which should be
                     used for development and includes all test(s)

 To checkout the release tag, do the following:
    cvs checkout -r geant4-09-01 geant4
 For the reference development tag:
    cvs checkout -r geant4-09-01-ref-00 geant4

 Alternatively, if you already have code checked out:
    cd $G4INSTALL
    cvs update -r geant4-09-01-ref-00 -d -P

 For details on this release, please read the release notes
 provided in the distribution.
 The changes included since the last reference tag are attached

 !!! NOTES !!!

 - For taggers and category coordinators:
   the format for future category tags is the following:


 Cheers, Gabriele


Some of the development/fixes included since the last development tag are:

 o Introduced GDML plugin for detector description persistency, no longer
   requiring dependency on external GDML library. Parameterised volumes and
   material optical properties not supported yet.
 o Introduced Beta release of command-based scoring.
 o Introduced Beta release of Qt-based UI interface.
 o Added polarized photo-electric effect and more general cross section
   framework for EM polarised processes.
 o Revised Geant4-DNA domain with fully working electron elastic scattering,
   screened Rutherford cross section and final state.
 o R&D level implementation of ion-ion elastic and low-energy inelastic.
 o New physics lists: QGS_BIC, FTF_BIC, QGSC_BERT, QGSP_BIC2.
 o New data libraries G4NDL3.12 and G4EMLOW5.1.

---------- Reference-tag 'Release Notes' -----------

Summarised, the list of changes is the following:

config                                           config-V09-00-12
- Introduced G4LIB_BUILD_GDML/G4LIB_USE_GDML flags to trigger compilation
  of the new persistency/gdml sub-module. Added setup for XERCESC. Required
  path XERCESCROOT to XERCESC installation if G4LIB_BUILD_GDML is set.
- Added setup for QT in UI scripts (variables QTHOME, G4UI_BUILD_QT_SESSION,
  QT paths and setup in Darwin-g++.gmk.
- Added modules "persistency/gdml" and "qmd" to include path in binmake.gmk
- Use 'gfortran' instead of 'g77' in Darwing-g++.gmk script.
- Updated Configure script (Configure-V09-00-02) to handle new 'gdml'
  sub-module and new data libraries (G4ABLADATA and new G4EMLOW version).
  Updated internal scripts for Configure accordingly.

digits_hits                                      digits_hits-V09-00-05
- Introducing command-based scoring mechanism: Beta release.
  Currently shape of scoring cell is limited to box.

error_propagation                                error_propagation-V09-00-02
- G4ErrorPropagator: removed call to exit() and some cleanup.

event                                            event-V09-00-03
- Added private copy constructor and =, ==, += operators to G4ParticleGun.
  Addressing problem report #984.
- Modified G4SPSEneDistribution to adress problem report #988.

geometry/biasing                                 geombias-V09-00-01
- Modified Weight-Window algorithm: do not introduce extra variance in the
  case of splitting to the survival weight when the weight is above the upper
  weight window.

geometry/magneticfield                           field-V09-00-02a
- Some code cleanup in G4MagHelicalStepper.

geometry/navigation                              geomnav-V09-00-12
- Optimisation in G4RegularNavigation: use voxelBox->DistanceToOut() instead
  of ComputeStep() in ComputeStepSkippingEqualMaterials().
- G4SafetyHelper: Improved ComputeSafety() not to call G4Navigator
  if exactly on safety 'center'.  
- Fix in G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOut() for exact classification of
  the linear step for Cartesian case.
- Made IdentifyAndPlaceSolid() method inlined in G4ParameterisedNavigation.
- G4PathFinder: 
  o Fix for problem of another process shortening steps (between calls to
    ComputeStep() by different processes in same step).
  o Check to verify that 'fNoGeometriesLimiting' is set by DoNext*Step methods.
    Revised data type of 'fNoGeometriesLimiting' to be a int, so that < 0
    shows 'unset'.
- G4PropagatorInField: 
  o Fixes for compilation of code under G4DEBUG_FIELD (problem report #982).
  o Added extra check of method LocateIntersectionPoint() arguments.
- Cleared compilation warnings for shadowing of variables in classes
  within the module. Minor cosmetics and cleanup.

geometry/solids/CSG                              geom-csg-V09-00-02
- Fixed problem of undefined side for valid surface normal in case of Phi
  section and direction through the center of either a G4Tubs or G4Cons shape.

geometry/solids/specific                         geom-specific-V09-00-08a
- Reviewed implementation of G4TessellatedSolid::CalculateExtent() to
  make it more robust and precise. Addresses problem report #983.

geometry/volumes                                 geomvol-V09-00-01
- Added inline specification to methods in G4AssemblyTriplet class.

global                                           global-V09-00-02
- Cleared compilation warnings for non-inlining and shadowing of variables.
  Removed unnecessary 'virtual' specifier to G4String destructor.
- Changed date for release 9.1.

interfaces                                       interfaces-V09-00-03
- New classes G4UIQt and G4Qt for handling of Qt interface (Beta version
  with support restricted to Qt-4).
- G4UItcsh: added ability to store shell history across sessions.
- G4UIGainServer: cleared compilation warning.

materials                                        materials-V09-00-08
- Made GetZ13() and GetLOGA() in G4NistManager not inlined (since handling
  static data), to allow for building of DLLs on WIN32-VC platform.

particles                                        particles-V09-00-03
- Added check in G4IonTable for atomic number to be less than '999'.
- Added class and method name in printouts.

persistency                                      persistency-V09-00-00
- Introduced new "gdml" plugin sub-module, based on new GDML release 3.
  GDML plugin (gdml-V09-00-04) is fairly complete; not yet supported
  parameterised volumes and material optical properties.
- Moved existing classes to "mctruth" sub-module; renamed libraries.

physics_lists                                    phys-list-V09-00-12
- New physics list QGS_BIC, equivalent to QGSP_BIC, but using binary also for
  pion and for rescattering via the propagate interface; the deexcitation
  implicitely uses precompound.
- New physics list FTF_BIC, equivalent to QGS_BIC but for pions LEP is not used,
  as BIC is used up to 5 GeV, thus overlapping with FTF starting at 4 GeV.
- New physics list QGSC_BERT; use QGSC down to overlap with BERT. LEP is not
  used for proton, neutron, pions, kaons, except for neutron capture and
  neutron induced fission.
- New physics list QGSP_BERT_DIF; as QGSP_BERT with projectile diffraction for
  proton and neutron enabled.
- Enabling use of projectile diffraction in QGSP-like lists, and created
  new list using projectile diffraction, QGSP_DIF.
- Added possibility to activate G4SynchrotronRadiation and mu-nuclear
  betwen runs.
- Added optional builder G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics.
- Fixes in QBBC:
  o Fixed bug in adding of cross section for pions and mesons.
  o Tuned energy thresholds between string and cascade models.
  o Corrected interface to CHIPS model.
  o Reviewed options: QBBC, QBBC_DEL, QBBC_HEL, QBBC_HP.
- Added G4HadronDElasticPhysics builder and fixed name to

processes/electromagnetic/highenergy             emhighenergy-V09-00-01
- G4mplIonisationModel: introduced theoretical asymtotic low-energy 
  parameterization of dEdx.

processes/electromagnetic/lowenergy              emlowen-V09-00-28
- Refactoring Geant4-DNA domain. Added G4DNAProcess and G4DNAFinalStateProduct.
- Fully working Geant4-DNA electron elastic scattering, screened Rutherford
  cross section and final state. Removed obsolete *DNA classes.
- Added Brenner-Zaider elastic scattering final state
- Added electron excitation (Emfietzoglou model), proton Born excitation,
  electron ionisation (Born) cross section; modified G4DNACrossSectionDataSet
  to remove inheritance against baseline design
- Added charge increase/decrease Geant4-DNA cross sections and final states.
- Added Miller-Green excitation, Born ionisation final state and Rudd
- Added cross section and final state policy classes to configure a process to
  kill particles below threshold.
- Correction in G4AtomicDeexcitation, addressing problem Report #986.
- Requires new data set G4EMLOW5.1, where a new dna/directory has been
  added containing Geant4-DNA data tables for interpolation.

processes/electromagnetic/muons                  emmuons-V09-00-04
- G4MuBremsstrahlungModel: updated sampling algorithm to provide more precise
  predictions for the tail of the gamma energy spectra (NA49 problem).
- G4MuBremsstrahlungModel and G4MuPairProductionModel: added 'ignoreCut' flag,
  if "true" both models provide zero dEdx and full cross sections.
- G4MuMultipleScattering, G4MuMscModel: new classes for simulation
  of multiple scattering on muons (beta-version).

processes/electromagnetic/polarisation           empolar-V09-00-02
- Implemented more general cross section framework; removed dependencies to
  models. Now cross sections can be used independent of any model, e.g. in a
  cross section calculator class.
- Added polarized photo-electric effect.
- Bug fix in G4PolarizedAnnihilationCrossSection correcting error in
  calculation of polarisation dependent total cross section (wrong
  interaction-length for positrons in applications whe particle and media
  are polarised).

processes/electromagnetic/standard               emstand-V09-00-22
- G4eCoulombScatteringModel:
  o Fixed crash happening at initialisation when several elements with the
    same Z are defined.
  o Fixed computation of transport cross section.
- G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation, G4CoulombScatteringModel: fill NIEL
  energy deposit.
- G4UrbanMscModel:
  o Changed parameter 'tausmall' to avoid loss of numerical precision and
    occasional NaN values...
  o Fix for sign of mean scattering angle for negatively charged particles.
  o Fixed Bragg peak width for C12 beam, return to model in 9.0 for heavy

processes/electromagnetic/utils                  emutils-V09-00-13
- G4VMultipleScattering: setting at initialisation that scattering may be 
  off electrons (needed for single scattering).
- G4VEnergyLossProcess: simplified logic to switch on/off fluctuations.
- G4EmModelmanager: added pointers to G4Gamma and G4Positron at initialisation.
- G4EmProcessOptions: added missing initialisation of G4LossTableManager
  parameters together with parameters of concrete processes (fixed
  initialisation when options defined before processes are instantiated).

processes/electromagnetic/xrays                  xrays-V09-00-03
- Added warning in G4Cerenkov constructor about the recent change to become
  a discrete-process.

processes/hadronic                               hadr-V09-00-01
- cross_sections (hadr-cross-V09-00-00)
  o Added log(0) protection in G4NeutronInelasticCrossSection
    and G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection.
  o Changed log to std::log in G4HadronNucleonXsc and
- models/binary_cascade (had-binary-V09-00-05)
  o Fixes for propagate: particles can decay outside nucleus; corrected
    counting for late particles
  o Deactivated general debug printout in G4BinaryCascade.
  o Correction for memory leak.
- models/cascade (hadr-casc-V09-00-02)
  o Fixed angular distribution for nucleon-nucleon elastic scattering
    above 2.8 GeV.
- models/chiral_inv_phase_space/body (hadr-chips-body-V09-00-19)
  o Added check in G4Quasmon for ranges of 'vRndm' to fix NaN problems.
  o Fixed initialization of the body color/anti-color in G4QHadron.
  o More fixes for optimisation in initialization of G4QNucleus.
- models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface (hadr-chips-inter-V09-00-10)
  o R&D level implementation of ion-ion elastic and low-energy inelastic.
  o Corrected neutral currents normalization for neutrino-nuclear interactions.
- models/coherent_elastic (hadr-cohe-V09-00-07)
  o G4UHadronElasticProcess: introduced verbosity checks within 'VERBOSE'
    flag inside methods called at each step.
  o G4DiffuseElastic: do initialisation of the model for each new target
    nucleus on-fly; the model is initialised in constructor with particle
    definition for the vector of available elements. Tuning at high energies.
    Added control on verbosity at initialisation.
  o Updated G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE: included difference in scattering off
    protons and neutrons; optimised computation of the distribution function
    (important for heavy targets); fixed model for scattering off hydrogen;
    tuned model parameters for better description of total and elastic cross
  o G4HadronElastic: set high threshold to G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE model to
    have by default switched off contribution of high-energy elastic
    (currently with issues of non-reproducibility).
- models/de_excitation (hadr-deex-V09-00-06)
  o Corrected the Coulomb-barrier to the formalism of Dostrovski as
    described in the Physics Reference manual.
  o Fix in photon evaporation to address problem report #952.
  o Suppressed gamma-level file warnings in G4NuclearLevelManager.
- models/high_energy (hadr-hep-V09-00-01)
  o G4HEInelastic::TuningOfHighEnergyCascading(): fixed incorrect assignment 
    of leading particle to low energy backward nucleons and fragments.
    This bug caused high energy backward particles to be emitted from high
    energy collisions. 
  o G4HEPionMinusInelastic: fixed incorrect 'Imax' in sampling of charge
- models/im_r_matrix (hadr-im_r_V09-00-03)
  o In G4ParticleTypeConverter, removed warning on unknown particle;
    occurs for eta_prime, k_star+, anti_... etc. in BIC propagate interface.
- models/incl (hadr-incl-V09-00-09)
  o Fixed problem of emitted particles having an anomalous kinetic energy.
    Also, isotopes are now produced more accurately in INCL.
  o Use G4UniformRand as the standard random number generator in the attempt
    to fix infinite loop in test runs on 64-bit platforms.
  o Fix to secondary particle Pt, Px and Phi distributions.
    Momentum x-component was transformed incorrectly from spherical to
    Cartesian coordinates.
- models/qmd (hadr-qmd-V09-00-05)
  o First implementation of QMD reaction model based on JQMD
    (Niita et al., JAERI-Data/Code 99-042).
- models/rpg (hadr-rpg-V09-00-02)
  o Fixed array bound violation in G4RPGFragmentation.
- models/theo_high_energy (hadr-theo-HE-V09-00-01)
  o Added channel for projectile diffractive scattering.
- models/util (hadr-mod-util-V09-00-02)
  o Removed initialization by random number of angular momentum vector 
    from G4Fragment constructors which could cause change of random sequence
    after physics initialisation.
  o Use production version of G4Fancy3DNucleus.
- stopping (hadr-stopping-V09-00-05)
  o G4MuonMinusCaptureAtRest: fixed old memory leak.
- util (hadr-util-V09-00-00)
  o G4LightMedia: fixed coding errors in inequalities for charge exchange
    occurrence in PionPlusExchange, KaonZeroShortExchange, and

processes/management                             procman-V09-00-05a
- Fixed bug in SetProcessOrderingToSecond() method of G4ProcessManager for
  order of processes when parallel worlds are activated.
- Moved virtual methods definitions in G4WrapperProcess to be not inline.

processes/parameterisation                       param-V09-00-01
- Added 'Along' methods to G4FastSimulationManaterProcess.
- Minor corrections to G4FastSimulationManagerProcess: added call to
  G4PathFinder for PrepareNewTrack(); deactivated ghost navigator in
  EndOfTracking() method.

processes/transportation                         transport-V09-00-05a
- G4Transportation:
  o New method (and class member) for flagging on short step-optimisation.
    When it is true, the optimisation is 'on'; steps shorter than the
    safety will not call G4Navigator, so long as the particle goes straight
    (i.e. it is not charged or there is no field).
  o Moved call to ConfigureForTrack() in AlongStepGPIL() before the check
    for zero field. Needed to enable a user to switch a global field on
    (off was already possible), as a track goes between volume (or regions)
    of a setup; in response to a request from Atlas.
- G4CoupledTransportation: added updating of particle-looping flag which was
  commented out for testing.

run                                              run-V09-00-06
- Introducing new "/random/setSeeds" command allowing to set initial seeds.
- Now "/random/setDirectoryName" command creates directories if needed.
- Reordered commands in G4RunMessenger so that obsolete commands appear last.
  Obsolete UI commands now do nothing except warning messages.

visualization                                    vis-V09-00-03
- management:
  o Replaced references to Wired3 in command guidance.
  o Minor improvements in messaging.
- modeling:
  o Minor improvements in messaging.
- HepRep:
  o Adjusted geometry hierarchy for parallel worlds.
- OpenGL:
  o Minor improvements in design and messaging.
  o Added GEANT4_QT_DEBUG flag to test Qt interfaces.
- OpenInventor:
  o Initialise local vectors in SoPolyhedron implementation; fixing
    compilation warnings on gcc-4.2.2.

environments                                     envs-V09-00-04
- Python interface (G4Py):
  o Added support for embedded GDML plugin.
  o Updated physics-lists bindings.

- New G4NDL3.12 data library:
  o Changed Cadium data. Added Hg, Radium, Br and La data.
- New G4EMLOW5.1 data library:
  o Added dna/directory including Geant4-DNA data tables for interpolation.

examples                                         examples-V09-01-00
- Updated reference outputs.
- advanced/hadrontherapy (hadrontherapy-V09-00-00)
  o Updated physics commands in macro files. Updated README.
- advanced/underground_physics (DMX-V09-00-02)
  o Corrected micrometer unit in macros from mum to um (old bug since 8.2).
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm1 (testem1-V09-00-01)
  o HistoManager/HistoMessenger: printing selected histos on ascii file.
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm3 (testem3-V09-00-02)
  o Added PhysListEmStandardIG experimental PhysList.
  o HistoManager/HistoMessenger: printing selected histos on ascii file.
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5 (testem5-V09-00-07)
  o Fixed usage of elastic builders.
  o RunAction: compute and print energy leakage and energy balance.
  o PhysListEmStandard: PhysicsTables set with 100 bins per decade (EmOptions).
  o Added PhysListEmStandardIG experimental PhysList
  o TrackingAction: new histos (4,5) to plot vertex position of secondaries.
  o HistoManager/HistoMessenger: printing selected histos on ascii file.
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7 (testem7-V09-00-10)
  o Added class G4ScreenNuclearRecoil and ancillary utilities for ion-ion
    scattering provided by Vanderbuilt University.
  o PhysListStandardSS: use G4ionGasIonisation.
  o PhysListStandardIG: use G4ScreenNuclearRecoil
  o Fixed usage of elastic builders.
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm8 (testem8-V09-00-05)
  o Fixed logic in SteppingAction.
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm9 (testem9-V09-00-00)
  o Added PhysListEmStandardIG experimental physics list.
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm11 (testem11-V09-00-01)
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm12 (testem12-V09-00-01)
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm14 (testem14-V09-00-01)
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm15 (testem15-V09-00-00)
  o HistoManager/HistoMessenger: printing selected histos on ascii file.
- extended/electromagnetic/TestEm18 (testem18-V09-00-01)
  o PhysicsList: added more EmOptions.
  o HistoManager/HistoMessenger: printing selected histos on ascii file.
- extended/gdml (exgdml-V09-00-02)
  o Updated to co-work with built-in GDML plugin module GDML-3.
  o Showing loading of modular GDML files.
- extended/hadronic/Hadr01 (exhadr01-V09-00-03)
  o Physics list updated according to recent changes in hadronics and
    physics_lists packages. Added QGSC_BERT physics list.
- extended/medical/DICOM (DICOM-V09-00-01)
  o Deep review: on the input files and the way how the geometry is
    built. Now using new specialised fast navigation and parameterisation
    according to G4PhantomParameterisation.
  o Added color by voxel and possibility to also use nested-parameterisations. 
- extended/medical/fanoCavity (fano-V09-00-08)
  o HistoManager/HistoMessenger: printing selected histos on ascii file.
  o Syntax correction in DetectorMessenger.
- extended/medical/fanoCavity2 (fano2-V09-00-01)
  o New example demonstrating computation of the dose deposited in an
    ionization chamber by an extended (one dimensional) monoenergetic
    electron source, making use of a reciprocity theorem.
- extended/parallel (exparallel-V09-00-00)
  o New MPI module including a Geant4 MPI UI library and a couple of
    examples showing how applications can be parallelized with different MPI
    compliant libraries, such as LAM/MPI, MPICH2, OpenMPI, etc.
- extended/persistency/P02 (exampleP02-V09-00-00)
  o New example showing how to store in a binary file and read back the
    geometry tree using the 'reflection' technique for persistency.
- extended/polarisation/Pol01 (expol01-V09-00-01)
  o Use new polarized photo electric effect, important for polarisation
    transfer from photon to electron in certain regions of the phasespace
    (see E166 experiment).
- extended/radioactivedecay/exrdm (exrdm-V09-00-02)
  o Use decay and radiactive decay builders from physics_lists module.
  o Added elastic, stopping, ion and extraEm physics.
  o Minor fix to low-energy EM physics builder.
- novice/N03 (exampleN03-V09-00-01)
  o Added option to activate Qt rendering.
- novice/N05 (exampleN05-V09-00-00)
  o Modified physics list to take into account usage of 'Along' method in

tests                                            tests-V09-01-00
- Updated reference outputs and tools.
- test20 (test20-V09-00-02)
  o Adapted to deal with Geant4-DNA processes.
  o Added G4Timer for timing information.
- test30 (test30-V09-00-06)
  o Reduced number of booked histograms and extended analysis options.
  o Added QGSB, FTFB, DElastic.
- test35 (test35-V09-00-03)
  o Added INCL and RPG models. Added QGSB list.
- test37 (test37-V09-00-02)
  o In standard and standardIG use subcutoff and linlosslimit=10-6.
    Use G4MuMultipleScattering in standardIG physics 
  o Included standardIG option into run.csh macro.
  o Define cuts as 1/10 of absorber thinckness.
- test41 (test41-V09-00-04)
  o In standard and standardIG use subcutoff and linlosslimit=10-6.
    Use G4MuMultipleScattering in standardIG physics 
  o Included standardIG option into run.csh macro.
- test52 (test52-V09-00-00)
  o New EM low-energy test for standard, low-energy and Penelope models.
- test202 (test202-V09-00-03)
  o Re-introduced G4EllipticalCone into standard vis.mac.


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